In addition, the CLR has a role at development time when features such as life-cycle management, strong type naming, cross-language exception handling, and dynamic binding reduce the amount of code that a developer must write to turn business logic into a reusable component.Ĭlass Libraries: Base classes provide standard functionality such as input/output, string manipulation, security management, network communications thread management, text management, and user interface design features. It also provides additional services such as language integration, security enforcement and memory, process and threat management. NET applications thanks to Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) an internal language for this machine. The Common Language Runtime: is the Microsoft.NET Virtual Machine, and it is responsible for running the. It is composed by the Common Language Runtime and a unified set of class libraries.
NET Framework is responsible for building and running next generation of software applications, including Web-base applications, XML Web-Services, smart client applications, etc.

Developer Tools, such as Microsoft Visual Studio.NET is a "revolutionary new platform, built on open Internet protocols and standards, with tools and services that meld computing and communications in new ways, thus connecting a world of information, people, systems and devices together to radically improve communication and business performance". NET can be thought of as a platform that connects information, people, systems, and devices. The main approach to exploit the potential of the Internet and the web-based applications has a great potential to become this framework as a foundation for building powerful yet flexible Internet-centric applications. But it is only one component of the former platform. Unlike other development platforms on which Web Services were an add-on, Web Services are the main technologies in. NET as a platform that is based on Web Services. Microsoft.NET applies to various Microsoft technologies. NET and the technologies associated fit into this strategy. NET is explained along with the concepts of SOA and how. NET supports the goals and principles of SOA. This paper is intended to provide an overview how. This is according to how enterprise changes its business because of new contract, services and workflow reengineering. This new approach to enterprise architecture is a loosely-coupled solution in which software components are very independently. SOA promotes the idea that IT applications are service providers and consumers acting together to support the overall business goals of an organization. Nowadays there is a great effort for Enterprise Applications Integration which involves a large number of companies and developers.īusiness applications are developed in an organization as a solution to a specific business process. Business process changes need to be quickly reflected in the systems which support these processes. There were no standards for the Enterprise Information System integration, and the solutions were tight coupling, that is, any further changes in business process would involve a large effort to re-engineer the solution, and thus the organization lost the ability to be agile. Integrating such as heterogeneous technologies is very costly, time-consuming and very complex. To be agile, IT systems must be integrated and reactive, and therefore solutions need a loosely coupled integration, with the possibility to progressively improve legacy applications.īusiness process can be extremely complex because of the variety of technologies in the IT infrastructure, such as the operating system, application, and enterprise information systems. But technology is often expensive and difficult. They constantly have to adapt their organization and environment to more and more frequent technological changes, merges and acquisitions. To be competitive, companies must be agile this one has become critical for competitiveness.